
Thursday, October 29, 2015

Is Nose Picking a Bad Habit?

Like all social retarded behaviors, nose picking begins with observation, practice and finally addiction. It is a brand of an addictive drug on its own.

Psychologists describe nose picking as an idlers’ act of anti-social behavior, and associate it with nervousness and absent-mindedness. However, just like gay associations, nose picking is about how you feel about it in public. 

Nose Picking Picture

Would you be embarrassed to be seen picking your nose in public? While many people hate being seen passionately caressing their noses, others find it hard to avoid, even in public.

Nose pickers reckon that the feeling is rather good, thus they prefer their hands to the handkerchief! There is direct contact of your fingers with the sensitive blood vessels of the nostrils, making you feel the pleasure you could only get during sexual foreplay.

For many people, it is so involuntary that they just can’t control it. Perhaps the most embarrassing fact of nose picking is scooping a not-so-dry heap of mucus, yet you don’t have a handkerchief or a piece of tissue. You immediately find out that the quickest route to get rid of it is through the mouth! While it gives you a break from your regular diet, you actually make other people vomit in their mouths!

Despite the self-satisfaction of nose picking, it is definitely an unsightly, anti-social practice. You do not want to brag about it among social equals. Neither do they want to watch you peak your climax of nose picking. If you are addicted to nose picking, find ways to let go of this habit, it could embarrass you among equals and opposite sexes (that is if you are not gay).

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